Cereals at the Mill
The display in the wheat cage planned for 2025 was to be similar to the Common Cereals display detailed below. Having got the trays of seedlings established, they were placed into two cold frames in the wheat cage for growing before transplanting the plants into the cage. Unfortunately a mouse found them and decided they were for Xmas. We have started again and hope there will be a display later.
Information and photographs on displays grown in previous years is available below.

Wheats of the World

Information on some of the rarer species of wheat that were originally grown
more commonly around the world.

Crop Rotation

A modern update on the traditional Norfolk four-course crop rotation of clover,
wheat, turnips and barley.

Common Cereals

Some information on the common cereals of wheat, barley and oats, and on
the more uncommon rye and spelt.

Evolution of Wheat

A guide to the evolution of modern wheat from the early wild wheat and goat grasses.

Varieties of Bread Wheat

A selection of six varieties to show variations in plant height and the colour
and type of the seed spike or ear.

Role of Genes in Modern Bread Wheat

A description of how height reducing genes have been used to produce the
shorter modern wheat.