Visits to the Mill

New Hall Water Mill and the meadow field are privately owned although surrounded by the New Hall Valley Country
Park. They are only open to the public on specific Open Days, normally a Sunday from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm.
See the Location Map & Open Days for the dates of opening.

The Open Days are usually publicised in the local press and on local radio. At all other times, school visits and visits
by local societies or organised groups may only be made by prior arrangement.

Car parking is normally in a grass meadow. Visitors with wheelchairs are advised to speak to the person adjacent to
the mill entrance gate who may be able to offer alternative options. At peak times on busy days, additional car parking may be at the Bishop Walsh school, with a short walk to the mill.

Schools will find the Mill an ideal location for pupils to study aspects of history, local studies, technology, science
and environmental education for sustainable development related to the National Curriculum.

Please contact the Secretary for further information.

Disabled Access

The Exhibition Room, Tea Room and Toilet, with baby-changing facilities, are wheelchair 'friendly'.

A 14 minute video of the Mill in operation may be viewed in the Exhibition and Sales Room.

The Mill is located across a well-compacted gravel covered yard but the ground floor of the Mill, including the
Engine Room, is accessible by wheelchair users with assistance.

Parts of the Miller's Garden should also be accessible, in particular the Flower Border where there is a brick pathway.

Access to the upper floors of the Mill, including the Stone Floor and Garner, is by stairs.